An Amherst Madison Agent Interview

Mary Barnett

“My friends have commented that I seem to be aging backwards. This is what joy looks like. To say that I am thankful for Amherst Madison would be putting it lightly.”

Mary Barnett has served her country, her family, and her own heart’s natural desire. She spent six years in the Air Force stationed on a base with around 6,000 people who came from all over the country and various parts of the world. Serving as a Personnel Specialist, she developed unique communication skills while encountering different cultural aspects, and it gave her a strong sense of what lies in the core of each of us,

“Everyone wants to be listened to, to be respected, and to be understood.”

After completing her term in the Air Force, her new route to success took time before she would reap the benefits of her true calling, in a way that she felt honored for who she was. That’s not to say she wasn’t learning important skills in the process; she took each step knowing there was a purpose being fulfilled in her day-to-day. However, her next position in Human Resources had felt depleting at times, considering she knew she wanted more out of life. She struggled to take that step in a different direction,

“The idea of starting over with some new venture felt daunting. I had never been self-employed before. Then one conversation completely changed everything for me.”

It was a conversation full of self-awareness that brought her unhappiness to light, and it took her instilled courage to take that leap of faith for a mindful change.

Mary Barnett saw an opportunity in real estate that lifted her spirits while feeling the support from her family and friends to make the shift. She was working hard towards her goals as a REALTOR® when she realized she was still missing a piece of the puzzle that would complete her profession. She needed to surround herself with others who were likeminded, who had drive, who operated in their full potential, and who saw hers too.

“One year after getting my license, I was able to say goodbye to my 8 to 5 job, and I don’t know who was happier when I quit. Nick or myself.”

Amherst Madison’s CEO and Founder, Nick Schlekeway, had noticed her capacity to climb the ladder in business and his brokerage provided that unique edge to build momentum on. She was specifically drawn to Amherst’s Elevate Program that helped build a strong training base for new agents to advance alongside agents with more experience. Overall, Amherst Madison fueled her professionalism with the right tools, elevated atmosphere, and others who encouraged her growth in more areas than one.

“Now, not only do I own my own home, but I also own a duplex. I never thought I’d become an investor and own properties – that seemed so far out of reach for me. I used to fall asleep thinking about how I would spend money if I won the lottery. That seemed like the only way I would ever have any sort of financial freedom (even though the odds are astronomical). Although my sons are adults now, I get to be the mom I have always wanted to be, not just by providing, but by setting the example of potential and success to my kids.”

Mary has diligently expanded her career as a REALTOR® by tapping into other avenues within the industry as well. She is Amherst Madison’s Managing Broker for our office located in Eagle, Idaho, she met an extensive list of requirements to become an Amherst Madison Partner, and she became an AM Coach for other agents. These are big roles to fill but she feels like she has some of the greatest support to navigate her daily workload,

“Thankfully we have the most amazing Designated Broker, Debbi Myers, and Associate Broker, Jaime Patocka. A lot of questions go to them before they get to me but I often field calls from agents asking contract questions; making sure they are representing their clients the best they can.”

As a Coach she focuses on her appreciation for those who helped her get to where she is today, and wants to pay it forward. Her belief in educating new agents and helping them realize their goals are attainable – no matter what those goals are for each individual,

“I want to create strong, successful agents. So if someone’s measure of success is selling 6 houses a year, or 60 – I want to give them the tools to make that happen.”

Sometimes it is in those temporary steps we take that lead us where we really want to be. Sometimes those steps last longer than we think until we have evolved in the ways we need to, in order to deliver and perform in our innate being. It is in the moment we genuinely start to believe in our own gifts and act on them. Mary has always been inspired to serve, but now she has found a way to serve that replenishes her soul as well. She found her strengths in her own freedom that she had dedicated years of her life to provide for others. Her career in real estate has led her to an abundant life full of passion and delight; serving her community in a way that brings other people’s dreams to fruition.

“We all have it in us to do amazing things, and I think you owe it to yourself to take that chance. I never think about winning the lottery now. I already have.”


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