An Amherst Madison Agent Interview

Daniela Ysursa

“I have learned that there is beauty and joy in every day, even in struggles, you just need to learn to see it. I have learned that optimism and joy are choices. It is never too late to pursue your dreams, to make changes to become a better version of yourself, or to show love to those close to you.”

Daniela Ysursa has one of the most sincere and precious spirits I have ever encountered. She brings a renewed vitality through the door that you can’t miss, and you wouldn’t want to miss it. She is like poetry in motion; her gorgeous smile, her contagious laughter, her flowing accent, and her ability to connect in even the briefest moment is a blessing to all who witness it. Her existence effortlessly produces an instant warmth in your heart as you realize she has a natural born gift for interacting with others and making them feel safe in her presence.

Daniela has been beyond courageous in her journey to Boise, Idaho.

“We left the hot summer and sandy beaches of Uruguay and 30 hours later we were looking at the white mountains and landing in a very snowy Boise. I was optimistic and determined, so I hit the ground running, signed up for English lessons, got my driver’s license and started applying for jobs.”

Taking on a new language, new culture, and a new environment was scary, challenging, and exciting for her. Boise encapsulated a refreshed sense of “home” to her, and she began to create a beautiful masterpiece for living and stepping into her renewed purpose.

“My favorite years as a software developer were spent working in the Agro industry with growers, packers, and shippers of fresh produce from all over the US. It was fascinating. The technical part of my job: writing code and learning new computer languages was stimulating.”

She eventually left her comfort zone even though she had thoroughly enjoyed that career for more than two decades. Daniela felt drawn to fulfilling dreams with more sentiment and human connection. Becoming a REALTOR® helped her see those dreams come to fruition,

“I fell in love with real estate on the very first day of Real Estate School. I decided then that I was going to make another big change in my life and get out of my comfort zone … and I wasn’t going to do it gradually, once again, I was going to go full force and hit the road running.”

Her faith in God and her supportive family has been monumental to pursuing an undeniable destiny that called her name. When you hear it, you listen. There isn’t time to delay and there is a prominent peace in accepting challenges when you know who is on the other end of them; your maker and a version of yourself who has grown with His wisdom. Daniela has stepped into that version of herself with grace and feels blessed on a regular basis with everyone else God has put in her corner to cheer her on along the way,

“As you get older and more comfortable in your own skin, you start realizing that you are not going to connect with everyone, and that is okay. Not everyone will want to be my friend, and I won’t want to surround myself with just anybody either!”

She values people who are authentic, selfless, and thoughtful. If you are fortunate enough to know her, you know that she exudes those same qualities.

Some of her favorite blessings met her behind the walls at Amherst Madison.

“I found a supportive environment where the driving force was to exceed established norms, and to give generously without the expectation of receiving in kind. Amherst Madison is more than just a workplace for me; it is a community of agents united on a foundation of integrity, morals, and ethics – principles that resonate profoundly with me.”

Daniela keeps focused on her horizon by actively working towards long-term goals,

“My dream is to get to the point in my business where I can have a good work/life balance. For me it’s not about the size of my business but the standard of service I get to provide and the quality of life that my business allows me to have.”

Outside of work she loves to travel and hopes to set foot back in her home country more often to spend time with family.

One of my favorite things about Daniela, is that she has a giant heart for others and always seeks to help others who may be less fortunate or are just in need of something she knows she can provide. She really thrives on hosting open houses because it provides a chance to meet a variety of people with different needs, but she still wants to venture down some other paths within the industry,

“I would like to find new avenues to utilize my native language serving people in real estate. I love the Latin and Basque people in this valley, and I would love to have more opportunities to work with them. For those who speak English as a second language, it can be hard to communicate when you are engaging in an industry where you just don’t know the lingo; no matter how long you have been in the country. If you have never had to talk about real estate and suddenly you are hearing things like equity, mortgage, interest rates, HOAs…it can be overwhelming. “

Her journey has brought her places she never could have imagined, and it brings tears of sentimental joy with some heartache combined,

“I will never forget the feeling inside me when the rear wheels of the plane left the ground. It was such a mix of emotions. My eyes were still swollen from all the crying after a last embrace with my parents, grandparents, brother and sister, and the big group of extended family and friends that had come to the airport to say goodbye. From the sandy shores of Uruguay to the beautiful mountains of Boise, my story is a testament to the beauty of embracing change, listening to your heart, and pursuing your passion.”


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