An Amherst Madison Agent Interview

Erin Oldham

“I am so thankful for the personal connections and relationships I have built around the country to not only help clients moving into Idaho, but to help those moving across the country.”

Erin Oldham became a licensed REALTOR® in the summer of 2016. It was a big career jump after being an elementary classroom teacher in the West Ada County district for eight years. She never anticipated the change but teaching 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade students was something that actually prepared her for a life in real estate. It had been vital for her to know her students, know their goals, know what they were good at and what challenges they faced ahead. That same process manifesting itself in her new adventure where,

“Building relationships, knowing your own abilities and choosing to dig into those becomes the key to serving your clients.”

The number one motivator for Erin to pursue becoming a REALTOR® was her own family. She grew up with multiple family members working throughout the industry as agents, builders, and developers. In a sense, it was already a part of her bloodline, and she was ready to take the leap to provide a lifestyle that best suited her relationship with her husband and their small children.

“The relationships you build along the way are the most valuable and within those you learn how to serve naturally. You focus on how to help make goals more realistic for them.”

Cristina and her husband live in a small town called Mountain Home, about an hour outside of Boise where Amherst Madison headquarters are located. Initially she felt the distance between a humble town and big city atmosphere may produce some intimidation but diving into things she was pleasantly surprised.

“The people of this community were drawn to companies that fostered a sense of belonging while making them feel like valued members of a close-knit family. It was in this realization that I discovered the power of creating a genuine connection and forming a strong community bond.”

She seized her opportunity to expand business while simultaneously filling up her own cup as she poured into the lives God intertwined with hers.

Community has always been a main avenue for Cristina to align with a passion she carries in her heart for others. Proving to be an unwavering source of light for those around her, she humbly expresses one of her fondest experiences as a volunteer at Stephenson Elementary School on the Mountain Home Air Force Base.

“There is an indescribable magic in engaging with the next generation and instilling in them the power to envision grand dreams! This profound experience revealed to me that my actions have a ripple effect, as others observe and find inspiration in them.”

She if full of joy knowing her time is never taken for granted when she follows her true calling.

Erin is full of gratitude in her career,

“I am so thankful for the personal connections and relationships I have built around the country to not only help clients moving to Idaho, but to help those moving across the country.”

She values her roots in the industry, but she still has attainable aspirations in front of her that she would like to build on,

“I would love my niche to be working with ‘move up buyers’. Helping clients use the equity they have in their current home to either buy a second home or to buy a larger home that fits their lifestyle better.”

Mountain properties are another avenue she would like to eventually explore more. Real estate has been nothing short of a rewarding experience for Erin. She doesn’t shy away from hard work, and she laughed with joy when she quoted Isak Dinesen,

“The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea.”

It’s a quote that resonates with anyone who has a dream and the determination to make it come true. She has been that sturdy helping hand in paving the path for homeowners and making their dreams a reality. Relationships have been the core of her building her business and bringing her own vision to life too.


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