Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.

– John F. Kennedy    35th American President


I would be beating a dead horse to say things are changing. We look around and see a lot of the same, yet none of it seems to be familiar. This is only in the course of a few weeks. I have one recommendation. Don’t fear it. 

Some might say this means to go around as we please. I am not recommending that. What’s in front of us is real and should be handled with some respect. What I am saying is that the world we live in, at least for a moment or two, is out of our control. We don’t have a cure or strongly defined solution to the state we are in. That is very scary. But what we can do is handle our fear. 

I believe fear is a good thing. It’s what keeps us alive and focused at times. But don’t fear change. This is just another long line of changes we will all experience until the day we die. Think about what will happen if we let change control our actions and our thinking. Think about how, if we let change guide us instead of being consciously managed, it will take us where it wants us to go and not where we desire to be. 

Change can also be a blessing. We have a lot of very smart, innovative minds in our industry. I can assure you they are not sitting idly by waiting for what the future will bring them. They are not idle in any way. They are pressing forward. They are helping a neighbor or supporting a local business. They are being logical and adjusting their own business accordingly. They are guiding fear where they want to go as an inspirational factor. They look at the world around them, care enough to listen, then ACT!

Change is intimidating. But it’s not insurmountable. Take it and make that change in the shape you need it to be. Make that change a positive so the outcome is one you can appreciate and be proud of. Don’t be afraid to change your approach. Ask for help if you are not used to it. Lean on someone. Let someone lean on you who might not usually need support. Open yourself up to all the new opportunities this world will give you. Lean on me. I’ve been afraid at moments in all of this. I am here for all of you if you need me. All of us are stronger together.