We could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world.

– Helen Keller    Author & Activist


I freaking hate patience! It’s probably my weakest trait. Being patient is very uncomfortable for me. I was that person you went on a date with and reached out to you the next day trying to feel out wondering how you REALLY felt about it. 

I’ve since improved in my ability to wait. It comes with faith in those around me and trust that things will be OK. 

The ability to be patient rarely is developed because we are content. People who are driven often go nuts waiting for things to either fall into place or for them to work it out themselves. But they learn to rely on others they can trust. People who must go through their own operations in their own ways where they must keep their cool knowing there will be an answer or solution in a timely manner, sometimes not knowing exactly how long that might be. 


Covid-19 has created another level of patience our generations have never seen. A very difficult virus to overcome on top of business disrupted in an economy and culture that heavily relies on a healthy income to survive within lifestyles that are some of the best in the world. Patience comes with practice. Well, we’ve never been able to practice this scenario.


For those of you who are home with your kiddos and still trying to keep afloat, you are heroes. For those of you who are finding ways to make our industry thrive in new and unique ways, you are innovators. For those of you new to the industry working to find your break, keep working. You will be the ones who rise when we are able to work more freely.  To all of you who are reading this, thank you for being patient. This will prove to be an action that is compassionate, kind, resourceful, and respectful. The people you work for will remember this when they are done being patient and ready to move.


I am patiently waiting until I get to see each of your faces. I look forward to being in a room with all the people I genuinely care about for meetings, workshops, handshakes, hugs, high fives, Jenga (an in-office tradition), or you simply being patient because I don’t tell short stories (as you are slowly walking away to get around the corner). Thank you for your patience. It’s not “it will get better.” It’s getting better as we speak, thanks to your patience.