About Our Brokerage


About Us

Our Vision is a real estate brokerage whose primary function is to serve as a pillar of ideas, professionalism, and community. A group of people who deal in humanity, not in transactions or tools. Professionals with heart. A company built to last by people who care. Impassioned with the vitality and spirit of everything that encompasses the word “home”.

Amherst Madison was created to show people that a real estate brokerage can be more. More than the status quo. Instead, we can be connectors and creators; mavens; trusted advisors. Diligent and sincere members of a community who are more interested in building trust through lifelong relationships than in the dollar figure attached to their next sale. People… this is a business about people and their stories.

We are here to learn those stories and who knows, maybe we can even share a few of our own along the way.






In college, one of the founders had a life-changing experience while volunteering for a children’s cancer organization. He was introduced to two children, a boy and a girl, battling Leukemia. The founder became absorbed in their lives & was blessed enough to watch them beat the odds (after years of struggle) and grow to be healthy adults. It is truly a life-changing experience to watch an innocent person grapple with something they do not understand and do not deserve.

It was during one of the many conversations about building a company that would have an“Impact” and have a “Mission” that the founders discussed the story of the children. Their story of bravery instantly resonated and it was decided that Amherst Madison would, thereafter, donate a portion of its profit and significant amounts of time to various charity organizations (or specific causes) that support the less fortunate.

The name needed to matter. It needed to stand for something above and beyond the business of profits.

So, how did they arrive at the name “Amherst Madison”? The boy who survived cancer was named “Amherst”, while the little girl’s name was “Madison”.